The Minister of Education asserts that the quality of education will not be affected by the cuts

Two days ago we explained that the government intended to increase the number of children per classroom to deal with the crisis. As we usually do whenever we comment on any news we offer you our opinion that, logically, coincides with that of the majority of the population: we go back, because This will make education worse.

However, as they have been doing with healthcare for more than a year, they are leaving it in diapers ensuring that users are not going to notice the cuts, The Minister of Education has come to ensure that the quality of education will not be affected by putting some more students per class.

It is not that I want to give the matter a lot of thought, but I found this Faro cartoon that sums it up perfectly and I wanted to show it on the blog. How dare they say that education with fewer teachers and more students will not be affected? How dare they say that health will continue to work the same if they make more and more cuts?

To give an example that touches me very closely, yesterday Friday afternoon, in the Primary Care Center where I work there was no pediatrician working (absences or leave are not supplemented with other professionals). It is a center that opened 8 years ago. In those 8 years never, never of the jamases, the poster of "today there is no pediatric service" has been hung. Never, until yesterday.

Well, with education the same thing will happen, because it is not the same to be in a classroom with 25 children than to be with 4 or 5 more. And if you do not do the test: one day invite 4 or 5 friends of your children home to see what happens.

In the end it will be what Faro says… they must think that we are donkeys.

Video: Liberal education cuts impact our most vulnerable students; Lisa Gretzky (July 2024).