Seven ways for children to eat more fruit and vegetables

They are the healthiest foods and yet they do not appear in our diet as much as they should. They advise taking five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, but do our children really reach that recommendation? If not, here are some simple tips for the little ones in the house to eat more fruits and vegetables.

  • Not only for dessert. Sometimes we reduce the fruit at the time after lunch or dinner, but let's not forget that it is a perfect complement for breakfast, lunch, snack ... In fact, an ideal breakfast includes fruit, but, if you can't give it to them First thing in the morning (many children do not feel like having breakfast much or there is no time ...) Take advantage of lunch time to make the sandwich smaller and include fruit or vegetables.

  • Multifruit. We must provide variety, take advantage of the large assortment of seasonal fruits and vegetables and not always offer the child the same, looking for new flavors and unknown foods that you may like more. Also the most exotic fruits can have a place from time to time at meals. Do not be afraid to try new foods, although this is difficult for children many times. If we start small, we will have some advantage because their food preferences are formed then. The later the range of the menu is expanded, the more reluctant they will be to "experiment."

  • Make the fruits attractive by combining them in Macedonians, preparing smoothies, natural juices, making skewers, cutting them in fun ways ... Vegetables also admit imagination: creams, soups, salads, skewers, grilled ... A good vegetable garnish served in an original way complements A good dish.

  • A funny table. We can go scoring what fruits and vegetables does the child take throughout the day (or drawing them if he is older), this way it will be a challenge and he will have a reward at the end of the week if he has reached the five portions most days. Of course, we will try to make that reward something that makes the child look forward (and it does not have to be goodies, there may be other prize foods, or an outlet, a movie, a story ...).

  • Let them approach them. The little ones can also contribute to creating these Macedonians or those special dishes with vegetables, helping in the purchase, in the kitchen and preparation ... We can also "investigate" the curiosities of those foods that they like (origin, recipes ...) and see Together cooking programs. Many will want to become little chefs and will not leave vegetables out of the menu!

  • "Homemade". Not all households have the possibility of having planted fruits or vegetables, but there are urban orchards, small orchards at home or plants that give small pieces, aromatic plants for flavoring ... It will always be much more fun for a child to eat something that has helped them grow.

  • Be the best example. The eating habits of our children depend largely on what we do, so there is no excuse for not eating more fruits and vegetables. By the way, parents also gain in health. If we incorporate the fruit into our daily lives, it will be easier for them to do it, as well as for them to continue doing it later in their life.

It is essential to encourage our children to eat more fruits and vegetables, they will be healthier. Schools also usually promote this healthy habit, from different areas you can contribute to curb obesity. But it's clear that everything starts at home, so To put more fruits and vegetables in our lives!

Photos | iStock
Live on the palate | Scientifically proven strategies for children to eat more vegetables
In Babies and more | How to do home marketing for children to eat vegetables, Five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, it is possible!

Video: Benefits of eating fruits and vegetables - For kids children (July 2024).