How to have the house tidy having children

Until they recommended me to follow some simple but extremely effective guidelines that we can now find compiled in the book “Organize your home in 30 days” and that I want to recommend, my house was quite chaotic and messy, especially since there was a child in it. But i got have the house tidy having children.

I, I must confess, I've never been very tidy at home, nor of those people who are delighted cleaning their house and always having it as if they were visiting.

If I spoke my mother would say it clearly: a disaster. But when you have children and also educate and work at home, time is on you and having the house tidy seems an impossible dream.

The accumulated clothes, the toys that I tripped over, the dirty pots and those closets that I never had time to clean thoroughly were gradually finding their place when I began to change my way of seeing the work of the home and to organize myself better to do it.

I do not say to enjoy it, but if I did not overwhelm myself and realize that I did it with a goal, enjoy more of my home and my time with my son.

And is that have the house organized and tidy having children It is not a matter of having to hire outside help, or spending hours and hours cleaning the dust or with rags on the feet to avoid staining. It is not that we are going to have a house that looks like a museum.

The author of "Organize your home in 30 days", Azucena Caballero is a mother, entrepreneur and homeschooler. For years he explains that he lived in chaos, until he discovered a famous method of home organization from the hand of a friend. Then he discovered others, and since 2005 he has been implementing and adapting them until he has his own method, which he presents in this book, and that allows you take the reins of your home in just 30 days.

Houses are homes and are to live in them, enjoy them, play with our children, be comfortable. Keeping them pleasant cannot be an obsession, nor deprive us of being able to be in them alone, nor take our lives or leisure time.

Going adopting routines, setting tasks every day with a guide, marking very short times for short-lived but very effective and shining tasks, using a timer and getting used to dedicate a daily time to keep our home cozy, we will notice the difference and leave of stepping between mountains of toys and clothes, of giving us a beating to clean the weekend and of getting angry with each other for how dirty the house is.

Therefore, for parents, the advice of this downloadable book “Organize your home in 30 days” I think they will be great. It goes on sale on April 26 and its price is less than 5 euros.