The children leave The Avengers saying: and you, who do you ask?

And parents also go out thinking something similar. My daughter says that he loves iron man although the one that amuses me and fascinates me is Hulk. Other children will like Thor's hammer, Captain America's shield, Hawkeye's arrows or the Black Widow's ability to extract the truth from the wicked. And maybe others like Nick Furia's patch, but as Iron Man says, how can he see the screens on the side of his covered eye?

And if there is something that stands out in the projection is the sense of humor that fills the entire movie. Every appearance of Iron Man or Tony Stark is full of irony and forces you to be attentive to their gestures and comments. And there is also a frantic rhythm like the one Hulk prints on each plane that overflows it with more than filling it. And that final moment, with a spectacular battle, shines for the camaraderie among the superheroes. The organization of Captain America, the audacity of Iron Man, the bestiality of the Hulk and the effort of everyone to achieve victory leaves you stuck in the seat with the emotion to the surface.

The movie has been directed by Joss Whedon that clearly a lot of comics must have been read because it makes a film that completely satisfies the dream of children who have read Marvel's youth comics and have thought that those images reflect what the imagination left in our heads. For example, if the transport in which Nick Furia travels was already spectacular as an aircraft carrier with two tracks! What face do we have when it becomes a spectacular ship?

And in the movie there is camaraderie, chulería, power, debauchery and of course, defeat of the bad guys. And no, it is not necessary to do any bias analysis because, how are you going to analyze a boy who wears a hammer and wears a cape, a mature man with light on his chest and who puts himself inside a can, a green thing with eyes and a young man equipped with a shield of Unclassifiable material that has only fought Hitler?

The film lasts approximately 140 minutes, more publicity, trailer and lyrics of the end. Because you have to stay during the first part of the lyrics as the film continues with a preview of more Avengers for the future, hopefully soon. Projecting content during the lyrics is a feature of Marvel movies and I love waiting to see it. For now, my daughter doesn't get much attention. What to expect I mean, because the film entertained him a lot and he had a great time.

In Cinema Blog | The Avengers

Video: Peter Parker and Tony Stark being father and son for 4 minutes straight (July 2024).