Disney will stop broadcasting junk food advertising

The giant of children's entertainment Disney He wants to unlink his image from bad eating habits, so he has just announced that as of 2015 will stop broadcasting junk food advertising for children in television and radio programs and Internet sites.

Years ago he had already done a similar action prohibiting his characters from associating with fast food chains so as not to be associated with childhood obesity.

The decision has been motivated by a report from the Institute of Medicine, which revealed that junk food marketing helped increase childhood obesity. Therefore, the Disney brand together with the support of the first lady of the United States, Michele Obama, have come together to deal with the disease that affects a third of the children of that country.

Disney plans to reduce advertising during children's programming on its chains such as ABC and Disney XD, and on its websites for children, for foods that do not meet the minimum nutritional requirements.

It will even design a new label called “Mickey Check”, which will help identify nutritious meals and healthy menus in all its stores and theme parks.

Apparently, it has begun to take strong measures in a country in which the rate of childhood obesity is alarming, although Spain follows closely. However, nutritional education begins at home and to address the problem, in addition to prohibiting harmful advertising, it is necessary to instill good eating habits since children are babies.

Video: Junk food advertising debate continues (July 2024).