The Fnac prepares to let the kids learn with the abacus and Aloha

Culture Club It is an initiative of Fnac and activities and workshops for all ages are held in its spaces. In addition, the Fnac Junior Club offers a varied and developed children's program every week in the Fnac forums, which is aimed at children up to 11 years old.

The next weekend of September 15 and 16, 2012At various times of morning and afternoon and in 22 FNAC centers throughout Spain, children with ages between 5 and 13 years. These workshops are intended to show families that calculation is a fun and interesting activity. It is expected that many children participate in these activities, in which not only activities with the abacus will be developed, but also others that allow the development of attention and mental agility, such as speed tests, flashcards, concentration games, memory exercises visual, and even coordination dances.

The activity is coordinated Aloha Mental Arithmetic which proposes a program intended for children between 5 and 13 years old and which aims to promote the mental development of children in a playful way. The program, which was born in Malaysia in 1993, arrived in Spain two years ago, where it is already taught in more than 200 centers with more than 5,000 students as we already have in Peques and Más.

Aloha proposes the abacus as the main instrument to use in the classroom with effects that are reflected in school performance immediately. And, according to Aloha, students will not only be able to perform additions, subtractions, divisions and square roots with the sole help of their brain and at earlier ages than usual, but also, they will develop their creativity, their visualization ability , listen, concentration and your self-confidence.

Below are the links that show the addresses and the Fnac centers where you can visit these workshops. I have not been able to find if the activity has a cost or not, so do not forget to ask before attending.