Take them out when they are sick?

We have just left the summer and, although it seems that the children should not catch illnesses because of temperature and time, they are already beginning to fall a few for a very obvious reason: they have been together with other children for a month (and it begins to cool).

This causes children to have colds, others with laryngitis (such as Aran, who spent a few days recently without going to school), others with otitis and unemployment because it is not necessary to mention all the usual diseases of children. The fact is that when a child is sick, many parents ask the same question: I don't take him to school or daycare because he's bad, but can I take him out?

It is not a question that is answered with a "yes" or with a "no"

The truth is that it is not a question that can be answered taxatively. The best answer to that question I think is a "depends".

Then comes the following question: What does it depend on? Well, many things, where are you going to take him, who is he going to be with, how is he, etc.

To give an example, as I said, Aran is with laryngitis and we decided not to take him to school. Not that he was very bad, but we prefer not to take him so that will not spread to other children, on the one hand, and so that other children will not spread more things, on the other hand. The risk of contagion always exists, of course, but if you already have the sick child, who takes something else (another "itis"), it would be little recommended.

However, at the time of leaving his brother from school at noon, I have been taking him to look for him. Someone will tell me, perhaps, "but if you have decided to leave him at home so that he does not get worse, why do you take him to pick up his brother?" Well, because we're only going for a moment, because it's not too cold, because we are outdoors and because, luckily, not going to school is not like being low and do not try to keep the teacher from seeing you on the street.

How is the boy?

When deciding whether or not to remove the child, the first thing to consider is how is the boy. If he is with a fever and "off" I would not take him out of the house, basically because when I have a fever and I am "off" the last thing I want is to go outside. If instead he is feverish, but the child is lively and happy, a walk will not hurt if it is outdoors, it is a short time and you do not take it there where you will want to run and sweat.

Where are you going?

Another important factor in deciding whether to leave or not is the destination. A sick child cannot go to daycare or school because it is contagious and contagious and should not go to crowded or closed places (stores, shopping centers, etc.), because in addition to being able to infect other people, they can also infect you with other viruses or bacteria.

Now, if as we said before, destiny is an outdoor place, there is no major problem if the child is encouraged. So many of you will be thinking about the park, an outdoor place, as a possible destination and the answer in this case would be a "well man, it is an open area, but it is full of children, it is sure to run and sweat and hygiene is terribly doubtful (so to speak). "

Who will the child be with?

More or less we have already commented, but it is something to also consider when a child is sick. If we go home to adults without children, the risk of infection is relative (depending on how much these adults contact our child). If instead we go home of people with children, the risk of infection increases because children will play, share toys and space and our son can both infect and leave infected with something more than he has.

As you can see, everything is endless "you depend" that we parents must handle to try to prevent them from getting worse and avoid getting worse to other children.

Video: Baldi is sick. . And I have to take care of him?. Baldi's Basics (July 2024).