Animal Habitats for iPad teaches kids around the world

Terrier Digital is the company that has developed the iPad application called Animal habitats. The application is in English and Spanish with the aim that all children can meet animals from all over the world. On the iPad, children can discover data sheets and information on 200 animals, from the most common to the most exotic. They will know where and how they live, what they eat or what they need to survive.

Animal Habitats is more than an application, It is an illustrated book developed for the iPad with intuitive navigation and extensive animal information. In addition, from Terrier Digital they have reached an agreement with WWF Spain so that part of the collection is used for the actions carried out by this organization.

In the application you can see nine superbly illustrated habitats, with 200 animals and an ambient sound For each scenario. From each habitat it is possible to access the animals that live in it and see the complete documentary files.

The application has very beautiful images, easy interactivity and a very rich content in the cards that allows to know all the details of the animals. Animal Habitats is an application to love nature, learn to respect it and also enjoy it.

The nine habitats that can be traversed with the application are:

He application price is 2.99 euros, is newly updated in October 2012 and weighs 125 MB. It is in English and Spanish and as I said, it is developed by Terrier Digital S.L. They recommend it from the age of four but obviously, the kids who will enjoy it most will be those who already know how to read and manage with the iPad navigation.

This is one of the habitats that can be found in the application: oceans and seas:

This is the habitat of common domestic so that the kids also enjoy animals that, although they are not wild, are also full of attractiveness:

Video: Animal Habitats. Animal Homes. Animals video for kids. (July 2024).