The competition in the South Korean classrooms guarantees the best results, but causes the increase in teenage suicides

As we read the other day, Korea occupies one of the top positions in the ranking of the mathematical tests of the PIRLS report. The important investments in education that have been made during the last decades in this East Asian country have been justified by the illiteracy that prevailed after its liberation from Japanese colonialism.

If in 1945 only 22% of adults knew how to read, and now 98% of young people between 25 and 34 have completed secondary education. It is a country with an extension that does not reach 100,000 square kilometers that has more than 5000 primary schools, of which a very small percentage are private, most are public (created and managed by regional governments).

Long-term educational policies, commitment to technology, and the conviction that education is the engine of the future (logical stance taking into account the recent past of the nation). These and other factors guarantee success in education, however, is educational success equal to success in life? This is what I wondered when I learned that South Korea has the highest suicide rate in rich countries, and it is the leading cause of death among teenagers! The first places in the educational tests in exchange for being the country where teenagers commit suicide the most? The government of the country is already taking 'letters in the matter' through programs and warning systems for suicide prevention, as well as carrying out Some modifications in the education system.

It has been putting expectations on the youngest and they have received the message from (about) striving to learn, competitive philosophy has done the rest and children must conform living with continuous stress (maybe) improper at those ages. It is the young people themselves who cite the competitiveness of education as a cause of suicidal thoughts.

It is said (although I don't think it is possible to accurately measure happiness) that Korean students are the least happy of the OECD, and the most stressed

After the colonial era and with a major ideological fracture (after having dissolved the ties that united them to North Korea), the country was reduced to a place where there was very little 'urban' social class and against a large number of illiterate peasants (or almost). So the efforts of the Government have been very commendable, we must recognize it.

The actual situation

Children who are 10 hours a day in the classroom (school + private classes), which also continue studying or performing homework. Effort to succeed, success to found a great company, found a great company to expand, expand to ..., and all seasoned with exaggerated doses of competitiveness. Where is the free time, enjoying the children's experiences that can never be repeated, health, sharing time with the family ?, but if they do not have time or look at the clouds! They are ways of seeing different things, no doubt, models that respond to each country's past and future perspectives.

The suicide rate among adolescents has increased by almost 50% in the last three years, sometimes even collective suicides are planned and executed

After primary education comes the first cycle of secondary school also free, however from that moment on, families endure great financial pressure. And teachers (very well paid with respect to other professions) have to deal with very large classes and students who feel exhausted.

They are taken so seriously that academic training is part of the country's growth, that even students are aware that one of the aims of their studies is to contribute to their homeland.

Successful study evaluations are due to ...

The development of ICT through tools implemented in the classroom is real, in South Korea they have already rejected the idea of ​​paper books because through their tablets students listen, manipulate, write and communicate. Online training is highly developed, and the systems intended for this purpose allow students to also be evaluated.

The country has endowed with an innovative education that is also based on quality education, which offers a clear equality of opportunities. Quality education? We should define this term well, because memorization is promoted there, leaving little room for experimentation, and on the other hand the teaching is quite authoritative, thus eliminating any hint of creativity.

In any case, government investments in education have been increasing, even so, they are lower than those of other OECD countries.

Solutions to social problems that have their origin (totally or partially) in education

Suicides and abuse among students are frequent in this country, therefore considering the Korean education system as one of the best in the world, is to do so only in terms of results. It seems that the Government has tried to reform the system of admission to secondary schools and the University, with the objective that students' skills and characteristics are also taken into account, in addition to their grades. If they lower the pressure, families may also be able to dispense with some extracurricular classes (up to four hours a day).

And as I said, suicide prevention has been taken very seriously by establishing mechanisms such as a network of centers or helplines

I think I can understand that if students are supported by their families, they will feel safer and that can reduce stress, however I fear that many fathers and mothers will also work many hours and will be able to devote little time to their children. Understand that the only possible goal is to 'reach the top' is not a good idea, and not everyone can play this role, therefore it is a complicated social task that lies ahead.

In any case the changes will not be seen until in a few years.

If it is true that they will be performed reforms to change the dissatisfaction of young people, means that adults are more aware that children have needs that sometimes do not match ours. And it is that even the desire for success must have limits, because a certain level of stress is necessary for people, but when it becomes continuous it can do a lot of damage, among other things because it goes against our nature.

Images | USAG-Humphreys, Wikimedia Commons On Peques and More | Strategies to prevent suicide in adolescents, do modern Vittra schools in Sweden guarantee good academic results?

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