My ten recommended books of 2012

In Babies and more we usually recommend you books for dads and moms, and I want to review those that I recommend published in 2012 so that you can take them into account for the gifts this Christmas.

In doing this review of what we have recommended throughout the year I have realized that I have some books that have come out recently and of which I have not spoken to you yet, but I promise to make a detailed review the next few days.

The books that I have compiled are aimed at parents interested in improving their quality of life, in giving their children a respected birth and in providing them with a loving upbringing. Let's go now with my Ten recommended books of 2012.

Tantrums and tantrums for imperfect moms

"Tantrums and tantrums for imperfect moms" It is a book written by the Mexican Leticia Jiménez, mother and director of the Criando Creando portal, full of simple and practical tips to better understand the moments of emotional overflow of children and also oriented to give moms and dads tools to understand and control us U.S. In addition, and I have it with shy pride, in the dedication the author names me, for which I am very grateful to all the years of work we have shared.

The forgotten voices

"The forgotten voices" It is a group work, written by M.Àngels Claramunt, doula and lactation consultant, the psychologists Mónica Alvarez and Cristina Silvente and Laura G. Carrascosa, a doctor in Biochemistry, who addresses the scientific reality and emotions in gestational losses.

Athena's navel

The author of "The navel of Athena" It is the psychologist Mónica Álvarez, who, on this occasion, enters the soul and the feminine emotions, offering us a complete vision of the complexity of the woman and mother of today. Essential.

Organize your home in 30 days

A bedside book for me is "Organize your home in 30 days", by coach Azucena Caballero, a bombshell on Amazon and a complete and practical guide to keep the house tidy and clean with routines that will greatly facilitate daily life and combine family, work obligations and attention to our children. I love.

Answers and reflections of a homeschooler mother

As a homescholer mom, I have asked myself many questions over the years, especially before giving way to education at home and in the early stages. Always, it's true, I was lucky to have Azucena Caballero to help me and that's why this book "Answers and reflections of a homeschooler mother" I find it very interesting for anyone interested in this educational option.

Dad, I don't want to go to school! I'm getting bored

When i discovered "Dad, I don't want to go to school! I'm bored" I loved discovering that more and more parents and teachers are concerned about the problems of the education system and committed to improving it. Then, reading it, I got excited again, learning many new things and understanding that change has already arrived and is unstoppable.

Where is God, dad?

"Where is God, dad?" It is a work I loved. Its author, Clemente García Novella, offers us the rational and scientific explanations that parents who do not have religious or spiritual beliefs can give their children when asked about life, the Universe and everything else.

How not to be a drama mom

"How not to be a drama mom" de Amaya Asunce was born as a blog and with a book vocation. It is hilarious. The one that has not been able to recognize her mother or recognize herself in the comments and anecdotes she tells not if she has been lucky, but she will have a great time too. Perfect gift for all audiences.

The child already eats alone

After so many years of recommendations of porridge, industrial cereals mixed with artificial milk and huge bangs, the baby-led weaning method is a breath of fresh air and proposes to let the child eat healthy, in small pieces and with variety, allowing him to choose and take his food. "The child already eats alone" Explain this method in detail.

Emotional baby

Beautiful, delicate, interesting and revealing, there is little I can tell you about this book, "The emotional baby" of psychotherapist Enrique Blay. You really can't miss it if you want to understand your child's emotions and feelings from the womb and in his early childhood. A marvel.

I hope that my ten recommended books of 2012 help you to make Christmas gifts or, of course, prepare your next year's readings.

Video: My Top Ten Books of 2012 (July 2024).