A golden eagle catches a baby in a park to take it flying ... noooo!

On the 18th day this video was published in Youtube in which you see a Golden Eagle fly through the sky to suddenly make an unexpected turn and descend at full speed in search of a dam that turns out to be a baby. The video has already been seen by more than 24 million people and has been news on various television channels.

Such has been the commotion and astonishment, such the fear of the inhabitants of Montreal, in Canada, that an eagle can attack them as it happened to the child that the creators of the video have finally confessed: It's not real.

Well, in fact it has not even been the authors who have confessed, but the NAD (National Center for Animation and Design), which issued a statement in which they explained that it is a 3D animation work done by three of their students.

In view of the result, and seeing what they have achieved, I hope they put them an outstanding, because the video, as I say, has appeared on television, in the written press and has even been explained by radio as if it were real news.

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Video: EAGLE SNATCHES KID - Eagle Picks Up Baby, Fake? (July 2024).