"Your son can be a genius of the mates" by Fernando Blasco and Juan Medina for parents to help with math at home

Fernando Blasco and Juan Medina they are math teachers and they are also co-authors of the book Your child can be a math genius from the Editorial Planeta Ediciones Topics of Today. The challenge they propose to parents is that we be more effective in helping children in the tasks or duties they have to solve at home especially in math. And it is that this important subject can be learned with motivation, enthusiasm, patience, tenacity, reasoning and giving children a lot of confidence to keep moving forward.

He critical moment of children's education in maths occurs in Primary. And it is that, explains Fernando Blasco, "in mathematics the base is very important and to understand the details, so as not to have to memorize the operations." Also Juan Medina, whom we have already presented in Peques y Más as the creator of the site www.lasmatematicas.es or with his YouTube channel of Mathematics, explains that "learning mathematics is a great exercise for the mind, because it gives you a enormous ability to learn other subjects in life. It is an excellent base and the engine of other intelligences. "

The book is priced at 15.68 euros on Amazon (may change over time). It has a soft cover, has 320 pages, is from Issues Topics Today and has been launched on February 4, 2013 to launch in Spanish.

In the work you can access, with an accessible language, the mathematics that kids will study from 5 to 13 years old: numbers, additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, geometry, problems, etc. The pages are enriched with anecdotes, references and activities for the whole family to practice. It is a bedside book that is endorsed by the academic and family experience of its two authors. And they are both parents and are aware of the effort required to practice, motivate, teach techniques, reason and above all to foster the critical spirit among children.

From Peques and Más we want to thank Juan Medina for his mediation so that we can have a copy of the work Your son can be a math genius. So during the next few weeks we will practice reading and consulting at home with the little one reviewing problems, graphics and drawings (the book is full of them) trying to teach him that mathematics has many attractions, that are beautiful and especially that they do not fail.

A space for the promotion of the book has been created that includes an explanatory video of the book's content:

Finally I indicate that the book is illustrated on many pages with QR codes that allow access to additional content to reinforce the content of the book. I have tried some of them and I have landed on pages with exercises to perform at home, tricks for parents to practice with the kids on the way to school, for example, and thus be more efficient in our teaching mission. And we have also seen links to many videos of Juan Medina of their page on the Internet and that they are adjusted so that they apply superbly making the book have a lively and very dynamic content.

I also recommend it for all Primary teachers because it contains information that they can apply in their classes, also so that all the children can practice and because they can always comment on it in the tutorials with the parents to encourage them to accompany their children in their first steps with the mathematics.

Your child can be a math genius: Help him study mathematics in an effective and fun way (Live Better)

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