Five ideas for your children to love to read

I have realized that, when the reading and writing begins more ahead, worse results are achieved in secondary school in terms of reading competence and reading habits. It's a shame, but I think it's a logical consequence of missing the road. I will give you Five ideas to make your children love to read.


As simple as that: read. If your child sees you read regularly, enjoy your books and discuss them, he will consider it an interesting activity. Parents are their first model.

There are parents who have good reading habits and when their children are born they abandon them. I understand, a baby or a small child can deplete our energies.

But remember that, ultimately, you can, if you want to rest your mind, recover some reading of youth that you found exciting. Or read books on parenting, which will help you a lot.

It's never too late to get used to reading if we're not used to it. It is easy to ask for advice to find the book that we will be passionate about, there are as many as likes and personalities.

Start reading a few minutes every day and you're sure to find a book that excites you. Remember that reading opens the mind, teaches new things and transports us to universes, countries and times that we would never otherwise know.

Read read, and above all, let your children see you do it and leave books in sight, on your bedside table, in your purse, in the bathroom. And tell them about your readings.

Explain to your son about your readings

I, who am not very fond of children's stories (not because of blood, as you will see below, but because they bore me) told my son the adventures of my favorite heroes of Literature, History and Mythology.

You can write your own stories or look for children's adaptations of the stories you love. It is important that you speak to your son about your readings, that will increase your interest.

It is not really necessary to read a certain type of literature in particular, the point is that in your home books and reading are a normal custom.

Let them choose and leave appropriate books at their fingertips

The determination to decide the children's readings I consider to be a huge, huge mistake. Nothing is more horrifying than the one they send you to read a book that doesn't interest you and I'm afraid that compulsory school readings are not usually very good.

The way to truly encourage reading habits in children is to make available, freely, at home and in the classroom, appropriate books for his age and let them choose, read and even quit reading in half if they get bored.

The same if they start with comics. My son left school hating reading with eight years and only agreed to read characters from Asterix and Obelix in a reading shared with me. Today, four years later, he is a voracious reader who this year has traveled the Iliad, the Odyssey, Herodotus, Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes and Hesiod (it is noted that the theme of the course is Classical Greece, right?)

Read stories to children

We can start to read them stories from very young, whenever they enjoy, without forcing them. But even when they know how to read or are learning we should continue reading to us.

I usually explain in my White Pedagogy course that the natural learning of human beings in Prehistory (let's say that in reality, our brains are the same, evolutionarily we have not changed) was based on two centers: fire and stone.

Listening to stories about fire was essential for the development of language, the transmission of ideas, stories and content. That's why children love to be told stories and one way to combine listening and reading is to do it by reading us.

Do not leave this good habit of reading stories because they are already capable, they will do it alone when they feel like it. Never force, force is the best way to hate.

Take them to the library and bookstore

There is no more stimulating place to encourage love of reading than a place full of books. I finish my Five ideas for children to love reading with this advice: take to the children to the library and the bookstore. They will love it.

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).