The human being before the machines. The best option is to boost education says Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmit He was the president and CEO of Google from 2001 to April 2011 when he was replaced from his position as CEO by Larry Page. Recently they have done an interview that has been published on the page of McKinsey talking about technology trends for the future. What has surprised me the most, and that is why we bring it to Peques and Más, is because of the vision that offers of machines and human beings and especially for how the competition that machines pose for us can be resolved.

So in the race against automation, which is the race we're winning, and which politicians never articulate, the answer is better education.

(In the race against automation, which we are winning and that politicians never manage, the answer is to have a good education).

Eric explains that the machines do not stop replacing human beings especially in routine tasks or that provide little value. In addition, the machines, although they cost a lot of money, in the long term save and facilitate the elimination of poorly qualified jobs with low wages.

Eric also indicates the possibility that workers with low salaries, who do not believe they will increase again, when they are replaced by machines, what happens to them is that they are compensating for their salary loss with state subsidies, which in the long term is untenable.

So what Eric proposes is a better education to fight against the progressive automation that is being implemented in Western countries. And this is where opportunities open up for all the young people and the children they are studying.

And it is that technological competence will be a recognized value in all countries, specialization and knowledge is an asset that will be highly valued in the short and medium term. With what That is the challenge that awaits our children, have a better education and understand that geographic mobility will have to be done because they will be recognized where necessary.

I think what Eric says is quite reasonable, coming in addition to a company like Google that is changing the way we are behaving and relating in recent years, and that is if the end of the twentieth century has been that of redistribution of wealth we are approaching a time when it will prevail redistribution of talent, and in that race Spain cannot and should not be left out.

Video: Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.: Just Say "Yes" (July 2024).