World Day of Birth Rights: by more humanized births

Today, June 7, the World Day of Birth Rights, rights that as mothers who want the best for their children we must defend and promote, because it is necessary that in our society there more humanized births and less intervened.

Every day from the blog, through our articles, we intend to promote the importance of the mother and the baby being the true protagonists of childbirth, that their privacy, their rhythms and their needs are respected, of not separating the mother-newly binomial born to favor early contact, breastfeeding and attachment bond.

It is essential that it is understood that the birth of a person, as mammals that we are, is a momentous event, both for the mother who gives birth and for the human being born. And there is nothing else to do but respect it as such.

The Birth Rights Pro Platform has established the 10 Birth rights, which contemplate certain practices that are recommended during delivery and postpartum.

In recent years, thanks to the implementation of the normal delivery strategy, little by little it seems that things are changing towards a more humanized birth care in Spain. Although much remains to be done, information is a valuable tool for change. And in that, from Babies and more, we intend to put at least our grain of sand.

It is a good occasion then to remember the Birth Rights:

  • First: The baby has the right to the recognition of his physical and emotional capacity, in his intrauterine and extrauterine life and, especially, during the transit between them.
  • Second: The intrauterine baby has the right that the emotional well-being of his mother is not altered by an excess and abuse of controls during pregnancy.
  • Third: The baby and his mother have the right to respect the moment, rhythm, environment and company in the birth-birth and to have it pass physiologically. A healthy baby and mother have the right not to be treated as sick.
  • Fourth: The baby and his mother have the right to privacy and respect before, during and after birth-delivery.
  • Fifth: The baby and his mother have the right to stay together in the hours and days after birth. No exploration or hospital stay justifies the separation of both.
  • Sixth: The baby has the right to enjoy breastfeeding on demand, at least, during the first year. That during your hospital stay the “10 steps to a happy breastfeeding” established by UNICEF and WHO and recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics are respected.
  • Seventh: The baby has the right to be personally attended by his mother, at least, during the first year. The mother has the right to enjoy intimate contact with her baby as much as necessary.
  • Eighth: The premature baby has the right to remain attached to his mother's body until he acquires the optimal weight and health conditions. No neonatology unit is healthier for the baby than the mother's skin.
  • Nineth: The baby has the right to remain attached to his mother's body during the first months of extrauterine life. Melee contact is vital to establish security and trust.
  • Tenth: The baby has the right to be his parents who personally make the decisions and who for this seek information related to their well-being.