Babies highlights and more: June 10-16

Like every Monday, we review the most prominent contents We have published the last week in Babies and more.

One of the issues that concerns parents when it comes to targeting children in a nursery school is the infections they can catch. Regarding this, we have echoed the words of pediatricians, who recommend not taking children to daycare until two years.

On the other hand, we have talked about the agitation of breastfeeding: when the mother feels rejection by the child she breastfeeds. Also about breastfeeding, we have asked you whether or not you are in favor of breastfeeding cover to breastfeed your baby.

A disturbing issue about the feeding of children is that they drink less and less water and choose foods that are not recommended. No less than one in five children drinks two liters of energy drinks per month.

If you are pregnant, you will love knowing CineMama, an application to make a time-lapse of your pregnancy. Try it and tell us.

We have also talked about a novel invention: a belt so that parents (men) can feel the movements of their future baby. Would you like to feel them?

If you are good at sewing, we show you how to make a blanket of bubble games for your baby, which will stimulate his senses.

This week, many more interesting things in Babies and more.