Why the Minister of Education José Ignacio Wert rectifies the minimum grade in the granting of scholarships

He Minister of Education of Spain recently has indicated that a 5 is insufficient so that all Spaniards who pay taxes finance university studies and that the minimum required grade should be 6.5. And then a wave of opinions has been raised, many of them against but also many in favor, and that the Minister himself, as he has acknowledged, has been surprised.

And is that the opinions in favor They talked about some students using the amount of the scholarship to perform cosmetic surgery operations (!), to buy a motorcycle (a 'amotillo' perhaps) or to pay a certain letter of the car, of course import. The opinions against They indicated that what was sought, basically, was that only the rich could study.

And after all this uproar, Minister Wert makes good to the socialists who practiced the "only right when they rectify" that Fraga said to Gonzalez in the 80s and that immortalized Jaime Campmany in his political chronicle columns. And so he changes his mind, it seems that even driven by his own party, and in the end not, to get a scholarship will suffice with 5.

What worries me about this whole approach is What an effort to protect the students! In a globalized world in which we are currently immersed and that the only thing you will do is go further, that this type of protectionist policies are what a rationalization effort demands, I don't like anything.


Since the 80s my generation began to prove that the value of Spanish university degrees has been reduced a lot because not even jobs are able to absorb such offer of graduates and because unemployment rates are beginning to be worrying among trained Spanish people and with a university degree.

And is that since the 80s I think it started blur the figure of the Spanish businessman who were encouraged to boost their children with expressions such as: Do not suffer like me and study a career! And this seems to me that over time they have become illusions not completely satisfied. At present we know what a degree entails and although passing through the university meant surpassing the family, the truth is that we began to see the difficulties of leaving the paternal home at a reasonable age, of acquiring a house that we can afford before the retirement, to get a decent job and especially to ensure the offspring for the future. And there is more to see a pyramid of Spanish population that more than a pyramid is a nose with the beak in the baby boom children, that is, many of the readers of this page that also produce decreasing birth rates year after year.

So I think we have to end the roll of superprotection of children and start thinking big.

I think we have to demand that our rulers espabilen and facilitate a decent future for all allowing our children to enjoy all the opportunities they can to develop their potential in Spain or in any country in the world. And especially that the respect for the entrepreneur, for the entrepreneur and for the one who generates employment so that the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of those entrepreneurs of the 80s recognize the effort of that brave and determined generation of which remains little bit. And is that the crumbs of claiming a 5 for the scholarship is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.

And of course that do not rectify because then we can tell you something like this that could be read in a tweet:

"Wert, for that, not having done / said anything. Always the same, it starts well and everything stays in borage water. Listen to the wrong people."