Children and aquatic environments: recommendations for summer 2013

The Ministry of Health has just announced its recommendations for summer 2013 on how to function in aquatic environments to avoid drowning and injury, especially in the case of children.

In the little that goes on summer vacations, four children have already passed away, so any advice is little to enjoy the water safely and avoid any unpleasant situation that could endanger health, or even life.

He recommends watching children at all times when they are in the water or playing near it. He drowning occurs quickly and quietly, most of the time the victim lost sight of only a few minutes.

It is usual to leave an older brother in charge, but suggests that it is something that adults should do without delegating responsibility to an older child.

He also advises that in the case of not knowing how to swim or can not swim, always wear a life jacket for bathing or water sports. The inflatable floats are not recommended, because if they are punctured or deflated, the child is left without protection.

They warn that many drownings occur in the familiar surroundings, such as bathtubs, private pools and inflatable pools. Just a depth of 30 centimeters so that a baby can drown.

The best security measure in private pools is the perimeter fencing of the pool, isolating it from the house and with a height of 1.2 meters high and that it is not possible to climb.

Finally, teach children to always advise to fathers, mothers or caregivers when they go into the water, and always take a bath.

Via | Ministry of Health Photo | Big_C35 on Flickr On Babies and more | To the pool with the children! Don't take their eyes off