With ABCKit for 5 the little ones can start working on literacy on the iPad

In Peques y Más we present a new application for children called ABCKit for 5 which is a natural evolution of its first application for children called ABCKit and was awarded as one of the best applications for iPad and iPhone in 2011.

ABCKit for 5 It is an application for the iPad for children to teach them how to form and write words and start them in the literacy. ABCKit is based teaching system Montessori and is available in Spanish and English. The application is organized into four complete functionalities: match, order, complete and write.

With match Children can soundly and visually identify letters and compose words. With order they can form words by spelling their phonemes. With complete they play to form a word just by listening to it and the last section, writes, allows them to practice the stroke and writing in a wide space, with great usability and with a very effective assistant to guide the child.

At home We have tested the application and we liked the design, the options to learn the letters and their sounds relating it to the words and the possibilities to practice calligraphy. My daughter and I are left-handed and we have found that the spellings are made for rights. For example, for the letter O, people who use the right hand write it counterclockwise and the left ones in the same direction.

And Karina Ibarra, designer of the application, has told us that they take it into account and that they will soon include it as an improvement in the applications of ABCKit for 5 and ABCKit in order to change the direction in which the stroke is marked. Karina has also indicated that they are following the Montessori methodology of writing and the sense of the stroke is very important. That is why it is essential to help and teach the child the way and not let him make a free stroke.

We wish to Arquinaut, the company behind these applications, many successes and continue to provide means for children to learn to use technology and integrate it into their way of working while they play and share experiences with their peers.

Video: Five Little Monkeys. CoCoMelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (May 2024).