When and how to exercise again after delivery

Today in our Postpartum Beauty Special We deal in depth with an issue that we already mentioned when we talked about recovering (or not) the figure after delivery. Is about when and how to exercise again after delivery, an issue in which many women have an interest after becoming mothers.

Because we know that physical activity brings us many benefits at any stage of life, and especially after pregnancy it will help us regain shape and figure. But you can't exercise after giving birth in any way. Let's see which is the most appropriate way.

Needless to say, every woman is a world, but in all you have to wait a reasonable time until recovering from childbirth. Then, what we do to restart physical activity will depend on our tastes and our previous physical condition.

After delivery, start exercising gradually

During the so-called "quarantine", which lasts six to eight weeks after delivery and during which our body is still recovering from the effort and hormonal changes, it is not convenient to exercise intensely. In this delicate period we must let the body return to normal, stabilize, the lochia disappear, the wounds heal ... We have plenty of time to recover the figure and return to those exercises that do us so well.

When we notice that we are ready, we have to keep listening to the signals of our body and never force ourselves to move more than it can. Remember that in these delicate moments, improper exercise can even cause incontinence.

Thus, the best way to start the exercise after childbirth is graduallyprogressive We can not start at the same rate as we left before pregnancy and even before giving birth, because the body has undergone many changes and muscle distention in the pelvic area is important, as well as weakness of the leg muscles.

In addition to progressive, physical activity must be smooth at first. Instead of marathon, soft running minutes; instead of ten long in the pool, a couple of them; We change aerobics or spinning for pilates or yoga. And little by little we will increase the pace.

What exercises are the best?

Talking about better or worse exercises to perform after childbirth is complicated, because it's almost like talking about different types of women, each with its characteristics, habits and preferences. We can start by doing simple exercises at home: push-ups, abs, yoga ... The gym can come later. Smooth aerobic exercise, walking, walking ... or stretching are indicated for the first sessions.

An area that suffers a lot during pregnancy and childbirth is the pelvic area, so there are exercises for the pelvic floor that will help us regain normalcy. There are varied exercises to achieve this goal, from the kegel to those performed on a filtball.

To recover the area of ​​the buttocks and hips it is convenient, along with the exercises located, an aerobic exercise with which to burn calories and fat in general. Walking and cycling (maybe static right now), as well as swimming, are a good option. Add to this squats and stairs: let's forget the elevator whenever possible.

For the chest, along with adequate hydration and support, we must do specific exercises to reaffirm, such as joining and squeezing the hands before the chest, weights, push-ups to reinforce pectorals ...

Exercise with the baby

One of the most pleasant and above all most practical ways of to exercise again after delivery is to do it with our baby. It is clear that the lack of time will be an obstacle for us to exercise if we do not consider it in a different way than we did before being mothers. As we said, we may see the gym more inaccessible right now. It doesn't matter, we will start exercising at home or walking with the baby.

The practice of exercising with the baby is a great option to not separate from the little one and start getting fit. Obviously, it is not worth any sport (we will not do swimming with the baby; matronation, although it is very beneficial, pursues different goals). But yoga, pilates, walks, are perfectly possible accompanied by the child. When he grows up, we can add him to the bicycle.

Exercising in groups with other recent moms is a positive experience. The couple can also join the family exercise and thus encourage the mother to be constant and feel the moment of physical activity as something pleasant to share. We will also strengthen the bond with the baby by performing this activity that is extremely beneficial for the mother.

Of course, all these tips must be accompanied by good nutrition and adequate hydration to be healthy and complete a good recovery. We already have everything to start the exercise after delivery and get fit After being moms. With desire, perseverance and a little effort, it is possible.

Photos | lululemon athletica and Mike Gifford on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | In the postpartum period, the return to exercise must be gradual, Tips for resuming exercise after childbirth, Exercising with the baby: a special and practical experience

Video: When can I start exercising after giving birth? (June 2024).