"Noa and Max. Caught in Electronia": the series for children that aims to arouse interest in science

"Noa & Max. Caught in Electronia" is a new series aimed at children aged 10 to 14 which has been presented today in Madrid to students from three schools. It consists of several animated episodes that can already be seen on the Internet and are intended to generate interest in science and technology among young people.

It has been created by everis and Pompeu Fabra University, with funding from FECYT. As part of the launch of the series, a competition has been proposed to schools throughout Spain inviting students to solve the new challenge that villain Lord Tek poses to Noa and Max.

Young people should record a video of maximum 3 minutes solving the challenge and send it through the website of the series
The presentation event was led by singer and actor Daniel Diges who, together with the protagonists of the animated series, Noa and Max, has done a series of games and practical experiments to show that "science is fun". Specifically, Daniel Diges has made a “Vortex cannon”, a physical experiment that, despite having a name that sounds like science fiction, serves to demonstrate in a very simple way the force of the air and how it is capable of generating vortices and traverse long distances and even tear down objects.

The idea came after a study by everis, where it is revealed that the majority of students (between 45% and 51%) He is not able to study studies related to science and technologyBecause they think they are too difficult, the study also indicates that girls are less attracted to technology than boys, and an effort must be made to change this stereotype to promote employability among young people.

The protagonists of the series are Noa (passionate about music) and her brother Max (video game fan and skateboard lover), who are absorbed by the Electronia system, and have been trapped within its interface. Once there they discover that they can only return to the real world if they defeat Lord Tek, a dictator who has changed the rules of the game so that no one can beat him.

The virtual scenario in which they are caught is full of obstacles, and kids should use their knowledge of science and technology (which previously considered unusable and boring) to leave the video game ... Meanwhile, we can continue their adventures through the same game, and they will become the heroes that will fix Electronia.

Since 2008 everis has developed several projects following the problem of the lack of vocations among Spanish students in the scientific-technical field. In addition, he has conducted studies such as the Annual Study on the lack of ICT engineers (2012) or Influential factors in the choice of scientific, technological and mathematical studies (2012) that show that there are fewer and fewer young people who want to study scientific-technological studies , most for not being able to take them.

Each chapter of the series lasts three minutes, and the first four can already be seen here.

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