Games with your three year old baby

A few days ago we told you about the possible games and the right toys to share time with our children, and at the same time, to learn things while having fun, when the children were a year or two.

Today we will talk about which are the best games and toys for your three year old baby.

Children do not play for fun, at least they do not do it as the only objective even if it seems to us. For them, the game is their way of understanding the world around them, of understanding and rehearsing their complex rules. It is not something they learn but are genetically programmed to play and learn from it.

Why? Because this is how our brain learns faster. The activities that we like the most are always the wings we learn first and best.

Until now the baby had developed the game with the aim of acquiring perceptual experiences, learning to coordinate movements and developing attention and concentration. But It is after three years when the game undergoes a major change.

The appearance of the symbolic game

It is now when the child's fantasy begins to invade all aspects of our child's life, now is when he plays to imitate, plays to be a dad or a mom, plays to drive, to cook, feeds his dolls, to we, etc. All the real situations that are part of our son's life will become part of his games.

All this is neither more nor less than the cognitive ability development since thinking is nothing but handling representations in our head of things that are not present. Therefore, the game at this stage is of vital importance since It allows them to develop thinking.

The beginning of socialization

It is also now when your son will start wanting to play with more people, and gradually move the game alone through other types of games that require partners. This situation will gradually progress to reach six years where it will be a very important issue. The time has come to share, to leave the loneliness of the room to look for other equals with whom to share new experiences, negotiations and toys. It is time to reaffirm who they are and to build their own character that will accompany them for the rest of their days.


In this stage It is very important that the toy not only suits your age but also your personality.

So for example for the development of the symbolic game we will have doll houses and its accessories, animal figures, people and characters, building blocks, clothes to dress up, picture books and stories. For psychomotor development: tricycles, balls, rings and rings. Social skills and creativity we would have simple board games, puzzles, memorization games, plasticine, waxes, hand paints, etc.

Always remember that despite everything, the game with your three year old baby It is the way he has to learn and it is better that he be the one who sees what and how he wants to play.

Video: How To Ruin Your Three Year Old Child For Life (July 2024).