Babies distinguish when we fake our emotions

That babies are very smart is something you already know, I don't tell you anything new. But often scientists come to light study done with children that make us see to what extent they are able to empathize with others.

For example, we can know that at the age of 18 months, Babies are able to distinguish when we fake our emotions. It is not enough to put the face of "nothing happens here" when it does happen. Your brain processes what you see and can capture what we really feel, are able to distinguish the truthfulness or falsehood of our emotional expressions.

A recent study by two psychologists and researchers from the Concordia University of Canada published in the journal Infancy He points out that babies cannot be deceived in that way, making them believe that something that causes pain like hammering a finger will produce joy.

It was performed with 92 children between 15 and 18 months who were placed in front of an actor who interpreted different situations, expressing emotions coinciding or not with them.

At 15 months I was not yet able to distinguish them completely, however, at 18 months, babies already clearly detected the mismatch between facial expressions and situations.

In addition, at that age they showed empathy with the actor when he was sad, but only when the sadness was justified in line with the event presented.

Without a doubt, emotional intelligence is one of the skills that children develop from an early age. The social environment in which they live makes it necessary for them to learn to develop the ability to understand the behavior of others through the deduction of what happens to them internally.

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