Rebeca Cobos and the British company Parlon present the Canterbury Tales in the Theaters of the Canal de Madrid

Rebeca Cobos and the British company Parlon present in the Theaters of the Canal the 14th century literature classic Canterbury Tales. The main novelty of this montage is that medieval stories are told in simple English by native actors accompanied by live music.

The work has already been performed on October 19 with great success so On October 26 we have a new opportunity to go to the theater. The goal is to see the actors accompanied by catchy songs with live music performed on piano, violin, clarinet, ukulele, Portuguese guitar and some more specifically designed for the family audience. The established prices are, for those under five: 4 euros, for those between six and fifteen years: 8 euros and for adults: 11 euros.

Canterbury Tales It is considered one of the first novels written in English. His actor, Geoffrey Chaucer, he composed in the fourteenth century this unfinished collection of short stories, each told by one of the pilgrims who together walk the road to Canterbury. Each story, three in all, has its own style and a different moral message.

In the program of the work you can read:

  • The first story, The Nun's Priest's Tale, is located on a farm, where the protagonists, the fox and the famous Chanticleer rooster, teach, through songs, values ​​such as humility and the need to stop arrogance and pedantry.
  • The second story, The Wife of Bath's Tale, is a fun comedy that tells the adventures of a gentleman who, being rude, is taken in front of the queen, who decides to punish him by making him travel the world in search of the answer to the question "what do ladies really want ?
  • And the last story, designed for teenagers, The Pardoner's Tale, praise loyalty above greed. Two friends go in search of Death, but find in their place many gold coins. Greed blinds their senses and gets in their friendship, making it finally Death that finds them and takes them ahead by not having known how to share the gold they had found.

In addition, after each function there is a discussion with the actors in which parents and children can ask all the questions they want and enjoy extra songs.

We remind you that this show also allows schoolchildren to attend the Teatros del Canal and enjoy this assembly. Until October 25, schools can attend to see this representation.

Video: Muscle Beach With James Corden. Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 2. Laugh Out Loud Network (May 2024).