Jelly Jamm Solidarity Campaign Double Smiles

I don't know if you know Jelly jamm, the cartoon series that Clan broadcasts in our country. My kids love it and once I have seen them with them I have to recognize that they are very funny with a drawing and an animation fresh and close to the little ones.

This Christmas Jelly Jam joins the solidarity campaign Double Smiles, By which, Every time we buy a Jelly Jamm product we will be making another one arrive to a disadvantaged child in Spain.

Who else or who least has met in front of any of the consequences of the crisis that we continue to have, who will have been hit directly, or of refilón or have been lucky to have dodged it. But we cannot deny that it has taken many things ahead and that it is not necessary to go to distant countries to see the effect it has had on the weakest.

Vodka the animation producer behind Jelly Jamm in association with the NGO International Cooperation They will send a Jelly Jamm toy for everyone we buy this Christmas. You can find more information on the website of Double Smiles.

If your children are fans of the series, I'm sure they would like to have a book of them. Cheer you up.

I leave you with one of the songs of the series, "All together", composed and interpreted by Guille Milkyway of The Blue House.

Video: Let The Children Smile - Fitness Challenge Charity Fundraiser - July 28th (July 2024).