Bugaboo Wool Collection: warm wool accessories for colder days

Bugaboo is constantly being renewed to offer babies what they need at any time of the year. The stroller brand has launched the Bugaboo Wool Collection, a collection of Merino wool accessories of great quality, ideal for keeping them warm on colder days.

Merino wool is famous for being very thin, soft and light, while providing great comfort, as it is able to control humidity and regulate body temperature.

The collection Bugaboo Wool Collection It has been made with the use of certified materials from the famous Woolmark company, and is compatible with all models of the brand.

It consists of an integral reversible wool mat (99.95 euros), a single-size wool mattress cover (44.95 euros) and a 100% Merino wool blanket available in 3 colors (99.95 euros). The mat and blanket are now available in stores, while the cover will be available from February.

The prices are quite expensive, but we talk about a luxury wool, and it all depends on the use that you are going to give to the accessories.