The only thing that nursing mothers want is to ruin your day with their breasts

They are all a bunch of exhibitionists. Something like that says the song "Ruin your day" of the Australian duo Sparrow-Folk, which in this music video shows us something that is very clear: "Everyone knows that mothers are exhibitionists, who take every opportunity to ruin your day with her breasts".

Well, it's really not so clear, but they wanted to express it that way because Moody, who strips and sings with her ukulele, suffered from having her son Ollie contempt in the form of looks and comments while breastfeeding her son in a coffee.

That event inspired him to take pen and paper and compose a letter and music to show how absurd it can be to censor a mother for breastfeeding her child in front of othersWhen all you are doing is feeding your child.

I have not found a version with Spanish subtitles, but the general idea you already have: mothers are exhibitionists who just want to ruin the day of others, they say ironically. And no, they will not give in to the requests of others, they will not accept the "comfort" of going to the sink to feed their children in a toilet, when they are better, mother and son, where everyone else they're eating.

Hopefully minds keep changing and in the end everyone accepts something that is terribly logical, that a baby should eat wherever he is hungry, wherever he is. You have the right to it. If this video works for it, I don't know… maybe yes, because sometimes it is enough to see how absurd it is for an adult to bother to see a woman breastfeeding To end up seeing it as normal.

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Breastfeeding mothers gather today in Primark stores throughout Spain (and I applaud their method), Complaints against mothers who breastfeed in public will be increasingly, Adriana Abenia: "Several times I have been indigestible food to see a woman breastfeeding her baby "

Video: My Kids Ruined My BOOBS! Breast Feeding. Mom Coms (July 2024).