"Gerardo and the stories of the grandmother" or the union is strength. A reflection on how conflicts are resolved

Do you remember when we told you about Narval receiving a Telva award? On that occasion we related some of the editorial readings that we liked the most, and we anticipated there would be more.

Well that, this is the beginning of that "more", and it's called "Gerardo and the stories of the grandmother". We bring you almost almost recently edited (it is from the beginning of April), and those responsible for the history and illustrations (respectively) are Cristobal Pagán and María Serrano. This story (and the noun falls short, notice) was a finalist in the XV edition of the Prize for Illustrated Tales of the Diputación de Badajoz in 2012. From it I could say that it is surprising, exciting, fun, entertaining ...; but above all I will say that hides a message within one or several of the little 'stories' that have been caught in this Story. Phew! what a mess, you will think, because that is nothing; but that nobody is scared because a seemingly complex plot for children is converted in a very affordable challenge for children over 10 years, by the work and grace of Christopher.

I will start at the beginning and I don't know how I will end (but I will, I promise). Gerardo has a little sister, her name is Ariadna, she is a bit heavy as she corresponds to her position in the family, she likes princesses and messing up the elder's toys, you know. He also has four grandparents and two parents with very interesting professions, who cannot compete in regards to entertaining their children, with Pilar (one of the grandmothers), who teaches the grandson to pass screens in the video console (a fact that makes me stay at the level of bitumen) and wonderful stories are invented.

The fact is that one day the pharyngitis leaves Gerardo in bed, and Pilar arrives to take care of him, and since Ariadna has not yet been taken to school, the story must have some princes and princesses; although it also has a lot of kingdoms faced by a common enemy, of discords, disagreements, and little desire to do things right ... almost like in real life.

When Ariadna leaves halfway through the story, Gerardo is already so 'caught' by the plot that he doesn't protest. And I don't know if I should tell you something about the stories inside the story that the grandmother tells, but to know that Érythro and Chrysa are the heirs of those two countries as different from each other as the colors with which absolutely everything is made , and that characterize animals, people, plants, objects and 'EVERYTHING' (namely: red and yellow respectively).

And it is also interesting to know that they do not agree or to name the 'beast' against which they fight (that is what they believe, because it really subjects them). So they call the Fog Dragon, Terio and others Tyela

Chrysa is not wrong on the suspicion that the solution is forget differences to get strength and union, but if it is not for the brown elder and the charming inhabitants of Cromatia, little could have been done, because to count the impediments that arise to the princes, there is not enough with the fingers of both hands. Of course, the deed is most risky, first because the differences make people proud of themselves and unable to collaborate (what I was saying: as life itself), and second because the dragon will measure like a hill, as if to dare!

The solution was in the orange, I don't tell you more. Or yes, I also tell you that this solution gives rise to a chromatic world that if it does not become because more than one removes the veil from the eyes, it would not have been shown.

Who will like this story? to parents who believe that conflicts are resolved with dialogue and tolerance, to children who devour books eagerly, and to those who thrill adventures, to girls to whom the adventure novel does not 'say anything' but princesses and the princes do. To parents who believe in the suitability of bringing different literary genres to their children; and those who don't mind wasting 30 minutes every day reading or making up stories for their offspring. To the grandparents who read those of us who are parents today and ...

"Gerardo and the stories of the grandmother", or what is the same: stop seeing the world of two colors, because there are many more possibilities. You are already going to the bookstore for him.

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