SaddleBaby, a new hands-free porting system

I don't think it was the first time, nor will it be the last time you have to take your child in your arms back home or for much of the way. Carrying him on your shoulders is a much more durable option than doing it in arms, first because it allows you to have some freedom of movement and because as a rule our arms do not hold as long as our back.

But one of the problems of this system is to keep your child safe from unexpected falls or to be suffocating or bald at times when trying to grab yourself so as not to fall. To solve this we have the SaddleBaby, a new hands-free porting system.

The SaddleBaby system solves two of the most common problems of carrying your child on the shoulders.

One is safety, When wearing a pair of clamps for the legs, the little one is much safer, because even if he loses his balance, he will always have a secure support point on his legs. Of course, the scare is not going to take away from anyone, so you probably end up as bald as if you didn't have a system.

The comfort, The system has a seat that makes your child much more comfortable, avoiding moving too much and causing dislocation of a vertebra. In addition, when going with the weight better distributed also in much more comfortable for your carrier, or carrier because when going the subject legs we avoid those annoying kicks at the height of the breasts.

Another advantage is that it allows you to have your hands free, more or less, giving you great freedom to be able to take a brother by the hand, some bags or a bag of potatoes. And as the position of the child is elevated, it is a good system to see the parades, such as the parade of Kings.

The system is designed for children between two and five years old, fits several breast sizes and is quite light.

You can find the product here, although it would be best to find someone to bring it from the USA since buying it from Europe is quite expensive, more than 180 euros compared to less than 70 It would cost in the United States.

Video: SaddleBaby - Hands-Free Shoulder Carrier Extended Version (July 2024).