Great invention to fill water balloons this summer

With this warmth, sure that a war of water balloons does not seem like a far-fetched idea and it is a great opportunity to spend some time entertaining in family with our children or watching how they play among them.

The problem with all this is that the balloons have to be filled and above all, you have to tie them to the little ones and let's say it's not the best part of the game. That same must have thought Josh Malone a father who after spending the afternoon at the tap decided to do something about it and why not, earn some money with this great invention to fill water balloons this summer

Malone has designed a system through which it is able to fill 25 balloons in 20 seconds or what is the same, 100 balloons per minute. The system is called Bunch O Balloons and in less than a month it has managed to far exceed the budget necessary for its financing.


Well, very simple. Josh has designed a kind of adapter for hoses from which 25 small channels that carry a balloon at the end attached by a rubber to the filling channel.

Once we open the tap, the balloons begin to fill, and here comes the best, once they have been filled, their own weight causes them to detach from the filling channel and be tied by the rubber that held them to said channel having A few balloons ready to use. Isn't it great?

The whole operation does not take more than 20 seconds and once we have filled them we can place another. The Bunch O Balloons is sold in bags of three units, or what is the same 75 balloons per bag that can be filled in less than a minute.

Here is a video so you can see how it works:

What do you think of this invention to fill water balloons?

Video: How To Fill 100 Water Balloons In 1 Minute. TODAY (July 2024).