Google, Gmail and YouTube for children?

We already have hooked and "signed" but it seems that large companies do not want to wait for children to grow to join their services. Google, Gmail and YouTube prepare a version for the smallest of the house to use since now, in principle, they are banned for children under 13 years old (at least according to US law).

Google is considering allowing the creation of special online accounts so that children can use YouTube or have a Gmail email, allowing their parents control over the way the service is used (although I see this as complicated ...).

These large internet companies consider it difficult to prevent children from falsifying their data, and this, coupled with parents themselves often want to create accounts for their children, has made them think about creating new accounts to access versions more suitable for children.

Have a YouTube for them, an email from Gmail or create your own user for the installation of mobile applications on your phones or tablets from Google Play. That the business does not stop, they will think ...

At the moment the managers of the companies have not confirmed the news, but I see it more than probable ... I don't know if a Google, YouTube or Gmail is necessary for children, rather I would say no, since, when they are small, they should not surf the internet alone. We must teach them a responsible use of technologies, neither prohibit nor leave them at their leisure.

Video: How to set up safe gmail for your child! (May 2024).