Happy first birthday !, also for mom

The baby's first birthday is a very special moment for the whole family. From the moment of birth, parents, especially first-time parents, go through months for all kinds of situations, most of which raise concerns and doubts. Everything is new.

A Japanese diaper advertising wanted to highlight the role of mothers honoring them in their first year as mothers When the baby is his first year of life. But not everyone does it, but their own partners who recognize their great dedication by telling them: Happy first birthday !, also for mom.

Because you have lived with your baby twelve unforgettable months, seeing his small great advances day after day, because you have endured with resignation and love nights and nights without sleep, because you have worried about fevers that did not go down, for each vaccine that touched him, for his first blow, because you have been moved by his first smile, because you know him as nobody ...

There are 365 very intense days for a mother, and although she is not the first baby, she may be more prepared but with each child there are different concerns. They do not teach us to be mothers, we learn day after day, son after son.

That is why I loved the message of this commercial in which mothers take their babies to the medical check-up of the year, because the baby's first birthday is linked to an acknowledgment for mom.

So, parents, if you want to give Mom a nice surprise, you can get inspired by this commercial. And to those who are about to celebrate the baby's first anniversary, Happy first birthday !, also for mom.

Video: MOM'S 1ST BIRTHDAY ママも歳おめでとう パンパース公式 (July 2024).