At what age to pass the baby from the carrycot to the stroller?

Newborns cannot sit or lift their heads, so the best option for the first months of a baby's life is to lie on a carrycot. But there comes a time when all first time parents wonder when they should change the little one To the stroller. Some wish that moment comes as soon as possible to show their precious baby!

From mom's triplet to the carrycot

The fetus develops in the belly of the protected mother in a closed environment, just as it happens in a carrycot, a space in which they sleep about 18 hours daily until they turn 3 months. In that cabin, approximately 70 centimeters, they are lying on a rigid horizontal base of safe way for your back and the quality of sleep.

The carrycot design, with a large hood and other removable elements, allows protect the baby from the sun, wind and rain on outdoor walks.

Signs for the transition

Little by little the baby is gaining strength, holds his head perfectly, is able to sit and tries to peek through the carrycot! The time has come to pass you to the stroller. In general, babies have already acquired these capacities at 6 months of age, but as each little one grows at a different rate, he may be ready to take that great step before.

Another sign that he is ready: when he is lying down and always wants you to catch him to get out of there. It can also happen that the carrycot is too small and you have to change the chair yes or yes. First of all, do not rush, It is better to wait a little longer to make sure that your back is not damaged.

With the change to the chair stimuli multiply that the baby receives, something very beneficial for its development. Sitting on it has more movement capacity and explores everything that happens in the environment, enhancing your creativity and entertainment!

Strollers two in one

Your child's safety begins by choosing the right stroller for him, one that is homologated and meets European standards, such as the Chicco Urban two-in-one model, with a carrycot that becomes a stroller in a few seconds! simple! This type of strollers to be transformable They are very practical for changing the carrycot to the chair, while allowing us to save space.

The right cart for the change of the carrycot to the chair it must be light and robust at the same time, to handle it and transport it with comfort and give stability, and with the sufficient cushioning to adapt to different terrains. Another detail to consider is if it allows position the chair both with the child facing you and facing you.

Can the height of the handlebar be adjusted? Does your back rest and swing? Does it fold with Easy to store in the trunk of the car? If the answer is yes, then you have found the right car for your child.

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