His first discoveries alone: ​​having fun for sure

Your baby has started a meteoric career in the world and not to stop almost, almost, even when he sleeps. A good option for when they start to be faster than Speedy Gonzalez crawling down the hall and all they want to see, apart from putting corners on all the furniture in the house and plugging the plugs, is to have them in a activity park.

Many parents do not like the idea of ​​"caging" their children, but it may be because they do not see the great advantages that you have to have the baby controlled in a small but safe space where you can begin to be more independent and enjoy your first solo games, discovering and learning.

Entertaining babies and quiet parents

When our babies start growing, they get bored if they are in the hammock for too long. It is not the same as when they were younger and looked pleased while taking a shower or doing housework, listening to a song. With age they become curious, demanding and become great "escapists", so what better idea than to have a space where they are safe and entertained with their soft books and their favorite toys, sounding horns, animals or pulling the hair of your doll?

While they discover that world of colors and sounds, we can do our chores and pick up everything they throw out of the park, an inevitable thing as soon as they get up and the best way to get our attention between laughs. A cuckoo behind that will make them play and hide in their favorite shelter.

Bounded enclosure full of novelties

If you like to discover a new world you can put the play mat, although some models of playgrounds already have incorporated activities, such as the Melinda de Chicco park, with a square structure that can be used from the first months of the baby with maximum safety in moments of play and relaxation. Made with resistant fabrics and provided with a soft and cheerful carpet to extract and rest on the floor, where the child can continue playing or move freely.

Leave hanging some of your favorite dolls to grab them and play to move them as if they were a mobile, in absolute freedom, experiencing the motor coordination and manifesting his need to move / meet.

If the object emits a sound when touched, lights or presents a foreign material to the touch, your baby will make a basic discovery. At first you will see that it is dedicated to touch objects casually but with the passage of time, satisfied by the reaction achieved, he will do it again intentionally, more and more accurately, happy to hear the sound again or see the light again. You have already learned that a reaction corresponds to each action, an effect to each cause.

Padded floor for the most intrepid

Another of the great advantages of activity parks is that the baby can start to stand up helped by its bars and although it falls it will not on the hard ground, but on a padded blanket that will cushion the fall, which although it is from a short distance, many times cows them. Also, if the park has a zipper, it will be easy to clean And he will always be ready waiting for your baby's new games. You can also go out and play at home when you can sit with him on the floor and expand the pitch with your supervision.

Easy to fold so you can take it out only when you need it

It is important that, given the size of the houses today, it is simple to fold and thus be able to save it if you do not need it or it is time to go on vacation and you want to trip with the family. The Melinda de Chicco park folds up and has its own cover bulging just what a travel cot.

Lots of advantages and a good way to your baby have fun and start the fascinating world of independence.

In Chicco Moments

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