Tennessee triplets surprised everyone by weighing more than 8 kilos together

The multiple pregnancies they are special for the mere fact of gestating more than one baby, and those for triplets even more, because the most common multiples are those in which two babies come.

Among the triplet pregnancies are those in which the babies are identical, or if they arrive by surprise, as in the case of a woman who stayed triplets taking the contraceptive pill.

But that's not all, because there is a way that the pregnancy of some triplets is also news: if the babies born are close to a record, as in the case we tell you today about three babies who weighed more than 8 kilos together.

Just over a kilo of the record

It happened in Tennessee, where Kate Tipton gave birth to her triplets in the 34th week of gestation. They were born in the UT Medical Center and obviously they beat the hospital record.

His sons Stella, Jack and Luke Tipton were just over a kilo of beating the world record, which dates back to 2004, when they were born in California three babies that added 9.9 kilograms.

Almost 8.6 kilos of baby

The usual thing when there is a multiple birth is that babies are born early and that, consequently (and for being three), the weight is not very high. It is estimated that the average is usually about 1,300 grams per baby, but the weights are very variable even among siblings.

In this case, Jack weighed 3,290 kilos, Stella more than 2,800 kilos and Luke, the smallest of the three, was born with a weight of more than 2,500 kilos.

The sum of the three pesos is about 8.6 kilos, which was a surprise to the mother, who in words to Wbir said that it was like having gestated a child over a year old.

The doctors explained the same thing, that they had never seen such large triplets, and that they were very surprised to consider that they were born in week 34 of gestation, when a baby of a single pregnancy usually has a weight very similar or even lower than Luke, the most often.

In the end, they are a bit far from the record, but it is still a curious story that this mom can always tell her children, that together they weighed more than 8 kilos and they were news all over the world. We can only wish you a lot of health so that this family that has grown tremendously in number of members is very happy.

Video: Kent Hovind - Seminar 4 - Lies in the textbooks MULTISUBS (July 2024).