Traumas in pregnancy have an impact on the mental health of the child

Psychological traumas in pregnancy have an impact on the mental health of the child. With this phrase we can summarize the conclusions of the V Scientific Conference of the Association for Child Mental Health since Gestation (ASMI) that took place yesterday in Valencia.

Dr. Palau, in charge of closing the conference, has explained a summary of the above in the presentations: mental problems in early childhood are closely related to the mother's psychic situation during pregnancy, through what they have come to call "mirror neurons."

The baby feels what his mother feels. The connection is so intense that the traumas she may suffer if she is not surrounded by a relaxed and safe environment, affect the child's mind, which can develop abnormal behaviors in childhood.

Dr. Palau wanted to convey the importance of pregnant women living in an appropriate emotional environment and that, when a young child reveals possible consequences of a psychic trauma Medical professionals are willing and trained to serve them correctly.

ASMI, is a National Scientific Society that emerges as an initiative to join efforts among a group of health professionals and early childhood education sensitized by the importance of the care and prevention of mental health of boys and girls since Its early stages. With special attention to both psychic and somatic aspects that are interrelated in each individual.

The Association's main objective is to disseminate and deepen the childhood knowledge, since they maintain that prenatal and early life experiences are fundamental for the neuropsychic development of individuals and their mental health.

Via | Europa Press More information | ASMI

Video: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (July 2024).